First and foremost, the Turbo Electromagnetic Water Descaler / Conditioner is a water problem solver. With a proven track record of over 9 years, the extraordinary ability of this unique product has helped many Commercial and Industries to improve their water and Save Energy. It can also help to improve your water supply
The advantages of an Electromagnetic Water Descaler installation mean you can use it virtually anywhere you use water. Applications include:- 1. Domestic 2. Commercial 3. Irrigation 4.Industrial 5.Swimming Pools 6. Aqua Culture 7. Hydroponics
The Electronic Water Descaler works effectively on water with both high and low mineral concentrations. Especially lime, soda, calcium carbonate and saline waters. It improves water from town supplies, bores, springs, creeks, rivers, and wells. With more than thousands of units now installed, we have experienced good results in all areas
Turbo gives many types of savings, 1) Electricity savings 2) Descaling of Pipes and fittings 3) gives less maintenance & more life for Geyser, Washing machine, RO purifier, Dishwasher etc 4) Reduce hair fall, 5) Soft feel for cloths 6) More lather for soap and shampoo
Mainly Industries have 2 Types of Savings: - 1) Energy savings and 2) Water Savings. It also helps in reducing Chemical consumption, Increasing COC, More life for equipment’s and Pipes
In Industries the ROI will be within 2 to 3 months and in Commercial it will be within a month. It is also decided based on the age of the building / equipment’s, installation area etc.
Turbo system reduces the scale development in the pipes, PHE, cooling towers, Chillers, condenser and in HVAC systems. It also reduces the corrosion, algae and microorganisms from the water.
Yes. Tests confirm that you can look forward to a reduction of 70% in the concentration of residual chlorine in conditioned water. This decrease is due to the freeing of the chlorine artificially trapped between the mineral particles of the water before being conditioned. It is freed into the atmosphere in gaseous form as water moves. With an Electronic Water Conditioner system fitted you get the benefits of chlorination, but without the taste.
Turbidity is caused by microscopic suspended particles in your water supply. Laboratory tests confirm a decrease of 20% in the turbidity of the conditioned water. Your Electronic Water Conditioner causes the mineral particles to repel each other, separate and become smaller. Because there is less light refraction from the smaller particles your water becomes clearer. This is especially evident in swimming pools. The microscope photos effectively show this.
Yes. Conditioned water contains smaller particles, which pass more readily through the clothes being washed. The water tends to be "wetter", and penetrates better to carry away dirt and grease. In unconditioned water larger particles and other substances can become trapped in detergent and in the fibbers of the clothes you are washing, causing staining.
Yes. Because conditioned water makes the soil more permeable water is absorbed more rapidly into the ground, which reduces evaporation. Watering time is therefore shortened which means you save two valuable resources. Water and money. To avoid over watering it may be necessary to reduce your watering time by 20%. In fact some people report water savings of 30%.
In conditioned water the mineral particles repel and lose their attraction for each other and the surfaces of piping and other equipment. Being a solvent, the water now slowly etches, loosens and dissolves the existing scale and rust from the system. Once clean your system will stay clean!
The Electronic Water Conditioner causes a natural protective carbonate film to form inside the equipment and piping, which will not grow or increase in time. This self-healing grayish film is of negligible thickness and not only protects the system against scale and corrosion, but will not impede water or heat flow.
Our System once properly installed and maintained can function for more than 20 Years. We have designed water descaler / conditioner to with stand voltage fluctuations, under normal circumstances it should not require any replacing.
Installing the unit before the WTP, RO Plant or heat pumps keeps them cleaner and greatly improves its efficiency. It also prolongs the life span and extends it by several times.
Conditioned water can be used within 48 hours of storage. However, the optimal results are within 24 hours and later its effect slowly deteriorate. It is also subject to the temperature in the area. Time and consumption are inversely proportional.
The Electronic Water descaler / Conditioner, by virtually eliminating the biofilm, denies the algae its food source. This occurs because of the "conditioning" or mineral separation process. With nothing to feed on the algae is either greatly reduced or completely eliminated.
The Electronic Water Conditioner is best fitted into the main line and before any tee junction or holding tanks, where by the whole system will benefit. Note: Do not install or test the conditioner at the end of the pipeline. Best results are obtained when installed at least 20 feet before use of water or after the pump preferably on the discharge side so as not to restrict the pump.
The Electronic water descaler / conditioner is designed according to pipeline diameter and water flow rate.
Aqua TURBO Water Descaler © 2024